Subject: How To: Diagun Bluetooth Re-syncing Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:35 pm
Hi all,
If you ever get a error in communication with your Diagun, one of the first places I look is at the SmartBox. I make sure that the blue LED light is on steady and is not blinking. If it is intermittently flashing that means the SmartBox has lost bluetooth communication, and this is what I do to reset it.
1. Go to the manufacturers logo screen where you would typically choose a car logo. 2. The lower right of the screen is a button for SETTINGS. Press this button. 3. You should see a language selection screen. All the way at the bottom of this screen are THREE buttons. The middle one looks like this <---->. 4. Press this icon <----> on the Diagun screen while in close proximity of the SmartBox 5. The icon <----> should pulsate and re-sync with the SmartBox when it stops pulsating. If it does not, try it again and it should connect. 6. When solid close the window and proceed to scan as usual.
It's scary how far you can go with 'em. I can go all the way into our office or waiting room at the front of the shop which is about 100 ft. Customers about pee their pants when you show them that you're communicating with their cars wirelessly.