Subject: VW brake bleeding no workee, software locks up Sun Mar 22, 2009 8:20 am
re: 2002 VW Jetta TDI When doing the ABS bleeding procedure per the information listed on your website, the Page Downnever becomes available. There is a adjustment button that is able to be used but the test never progresses thru the 16 steps. USING newest software 24.35 Could not successfully proceed with the test, the machine appeared to lock up each time. Tried 3 re-boots of the scan tool and finally gave up. See the Launch published procedure below ( the scan tool also displays this procedure, but an aforementioned, the tool will NOT progress through it )
P.S. ( I can't figure out how to link documents from website to this board...technical help on how to link documents much appreciated! I hope the link I tried comes through, if not you can find the brake bleeding procecure on the Launch website under DATUMS drll down to Europe then item (7).Bleeding ABS Brakes of Volkswagen Vehicle
Subject: Re: VW brake bleeding no workee, software locks up Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:25 pm
Thanks Goodwrench, although I think I am talking apples and you oranges (click on link below to view the specifics on what procedure we attempted to do unsucessfully with the Launch) , I will make a mental book mark of the procedure you sent in the event I need to do a brake service on the newer VW or Au
Subject: Re: VW brake bleeding no workee, software locks up Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:09 am
Doh! Sorry about that. Hopefully the engineers are watching this and fix that issue. I'm surprised more people have no complained about that feature, unless people just aren't bleeding brakes properly!?
Subject: Re: VW brake bleeding no workee, software locks up Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:36 am
My gosh, the kinda hack work we see. That's why we all need to remind ourselves to bill for what we are worth. Indeed we know the hidden costs of what it take to service America's largest mass transist system.....our customer's automobiles...and should be careful not to muzzle the oxen that tread out the grain!
VW brake bleeding no workee, software locks up
-- Edited by MrGoodWrench on Tuesday 2nd of March 2010 09:16:51 AM