Subject: English no workee on Saab Actuations Menu Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:53 pm
Just an FYI, for any of you folks wanting to do Acutations on SAAB..I posted this under the Award Complaint page on the China lets see if someone takes the time to correct the language bug
In the actuations menu, the English on the operation buttons is INCORRECT. For example, in the Engine module, it you go into the Actuations and hit the "Radiator Fan" OFF, the fan will turn on and then to stop the fan from running, you then hit the button ON. This english is reversed throughout ALL the actuations menu in the Engine and Body computers. (BTW, I have always had problems getting actuations done on Volvos', next one that comes in, I am going to try flip flppoing the English on/off menu and see if that's the magic bullet)