Does anyone from launchtech know when this version will be addressed. There is a flaw in this version. Trying to read a 2001 F350 7.3L diesel.
Which makes this device useless for this vehicle.
Device is the gds.
Under autosearch of this vehicle you get the wrong identification, When you manually enter vehicle info, you only get the capability to read codes, clear codes, and only 4 pids to read. No other functions or bi-directionals available. Do to the fact I own multiple types of scanners, I am able to read and repair vehicle. Although it would be nice to use this newer scanner. You would think a 2001 Ford would not have issues, being this is not a new vehicle. Not sure if it was even working on previous versions, due to the fact I just purchased this device.
I believe this is under development as they are working on adding diesel coverage to the pre-2006 diesel vehicles. They didn't have much coverage at all before, and I know 2006+ has injection contribution tests and such.