Subject: Crecorder switches from Farenheit to celsius Wed May 21, 2008 6:46 am
When playing a movie in digital form the temperature switches from Farenheit to Celsius after the first frame. It will still display the temperature in Farenheit but the number converts to celsius. For instance, if the first frame reads 152.6f the next frame will read 67f. It happens with every car I've tried it on. If you pause the movie and drag the cursor back to the beginning, it will read a celsius temp but with an F after the number i.e. 67f. Anyone else having this problem?
Subject: Re: Crecorder switches from Farenheit to celsius Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:40 am
I'm using version 3.01. I just checked for new version and realized 3.10 is available. I tried to install the new software. After opening the file it appeared as a bunch of question marks and illegible text so I didn't install it. Any idea what this might mean?