Subject: s60 2.4 d5244t 2006 Sat Feb 06, 2010 11:01 am
often after a drive the engine runs 1500 rpm stationary. no faults in the car display. in engine ecu are stored than dtc: ecm 9530, accelerator pedal ecm 8430, sensor suply 3 ecm 3000, camshaft sensor dealer has replaced ecu and pedal sensor , no succes. i scoped the camshaft sensor which is ok. i noticed during a driving cycle a voltage drop of +/- 1.5v in the battery suply. anybody an idea how to tackle this one. myself i think a suply or wiring problem thx, maxgear
Subject: Re: s60 2.4 d5244t 2006 Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:59 am
you said no faults in diplay but the ses light on?
....the other forum members know volvos better than i and they will probably be of more help but maybe i can get you started .. ....
..i'm pretty sure these cars have a crankcase breather problem that will cause a high / eratic idle .....kind of like a vaccuum leak......try pulling the dipstick out of the tube and seee if anything changes ..
..also volvos had a problem with the throttle body ...i'm not sure if it is for older model years ..check for tsb on this let us know ..paul
Subject: Re: s60 2.4 d5244t 2006 Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:21 am
thanks for the reply. a mechanical fault would not set the mentioned dtc's , i think. b.t.w. this is a common rail diesel engine. during driving car acts normal but still sets the dtc's with the result of irratic iddle (1500 rpm). after deleting dtc's iddling is normal. maxgear.
Subject: Re: s60 2.4 d5244t 2006 Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:14 pm
volvo AND diesel .....way over my head ...maybe a question for the forum based out of england........... i think it's a few dollars to join ..good luck