Trying to install the driver via the website, Every time I try to open it, winzip says its an invalid file. I looked over the user guide, but when I plug the OBDBook into the USB port nothing pops up to add new hardware. The OBDBook is 'waiting connection' and is unseen by my computer.
I had the same issue trying to update two OBDbooks. I downloaded the Zip file, but it was corrupted.
I did find a way to work around the problem. It involved downloading another windows driver for different code reader before updating the OBDbook.
*** Proceed at your own risk ***
Download OBDbook 6830 Upgrade Package and the Creader_V driver package from
Install the OBDbook software
Install the Creader_V driver. restarting the computer is a good idea at this point.
Now connect the OBDbook with the usb cable. If a "New hardware" screen appears it means the driver isn't installed properly.
Now run the OBDBook software from the desktop icon.
Click the "Start" button and the code reader will begin updating. The OBDbook will show a message similar to the status display of the update software.
The update takes a long time. 20-30 minutes. The software will display "Success!" and the OBDbook will reboot on its own.
Unplug the OBDbook and check the software verison number under the "Tool Setup" menu. It will show the current software version (v3.23.00).