does anyone know why my scanner crp123 wont go to 2014 or 2015 and then i watch missfire data on some vehicles it will only show certian cylinders like I was watching a 8 cly engine and it only showed 6 of the 8 cylinders? also how will i know if there are any other new updates for this scanner.
Launch Tech USA says; At this moment the most current model year software is dependent on what information the vehicle manufacture will allow you and I to see.
For the most part we Launch Tech USA can only claim only the USA Domestic Ford and Chrysler have the latest 2015 model year coverage at this time.
Most of all other vehicle manufactures have model year coverage up to 2014 and a few exotic Europeans and Japanese imports may only be up to 2013 model years.
This mostly due to the fact that it does take some amount of time to develop this software in the aftermarket once manufactures release to market.
In most cases you should be able view your stored cylinders Miss-Fire Monitor test results thru the Generic EOBD under Mode $06 Non-Continous Monitors items. And you should also be able to view individual cylinders mis-fire counts and ignition coil dwell thru the Live Data Stream menu of available PIDS. You must be able to select all of the cylinders you want to view then confirm your choices thru the menu.
If you cannot see all of the cylinders make sure you are selecting all of the available cylinders in the live data stream PIDS listings, some may be listed in another screen or another Powertrain menu.