October 21, 2015
Have a few issues with the MaxME software. Mainly the Android platform.
1.That black bar at the bottom with the Home, Apps, connector status, screenshot and strings keeps getting in the way, the home and recent apps already havea hardwired button and settings are for Matco software only.
2.Why disable the naive android screenshot function?
3.The tablet has two partitions on the drive, one main of 1gb, and one with 26.56gb which isn't bad, however any apps that we download go on the 1GB partition and not the larger one, the diag app takes up almost 200mb with 4 makes installed... seriously?
4.Android 4.2? Really? My phone has 5.1 and it supports native PDF in browser for identifix. I guarantee you that the people over at xda developers can have 5.1 up and running smoothly.
5.Why Google Maps?
6. I would honestly pay $1000 to have the software on my phone or my Windows 7 tablet over this $850 crap doorstop.
Any help or should I start using this thing as the most expensive wheel chock known to man? Because that's about all it can do on my Discovery 2 (I fix LR and this was supposed to help me... Limited acuation tests, no auto VIN detection, undeveloped vins, no communication with cruise or ACE system, no ECU/PCM milage readings and even less correction...my old Solus does way more...)
My $0.02
-- Edited by DayOld on Wednesday 21st of October 2015 02:22:58 AM